Here you will find information and downloads pertaining to Jammy’s product line, manufacturer’s representatives and territories. If you have any questions, please click the “Contact Us” link at the top of the page.
For OEM and Distributor sales inquiries in the Southeast (FL, GA, NC, SC, TN, AL, VA, MS) please contact Advanced Marketing Southeast
For OEM and Distributor sales inquiries in the Midwest, East of the Mississippi River (OH, IN, WI, IL, MI, KY) please contact Doug Butts at MMS, Midwest Marketing Solutions
For OEM and Distributor sales inquiries in the Midwest, West of the Mississippi River (MO, MN, IA, ND, SD, NE, KS, North OK) please contact Robert Johnson of B.E. Sales at (816) 668-3511 or
For all Sales inquiries in the Goshen / Elkhart, IN area, please contact Laway Ek at Crystal Valley Sales or at 574-295-7599.
For OEM and Distributor sales inquiries in Canada, Northwest USA, Northeast (WV, MD, PA, NY, MA, CT, ME , NJ), Mountain States (CO, UT, UD, MT, WY), Southwest States (TX, LA, AR, NM, AZ, or Southern OK), or other areas not listed, please contact Jammy Sales Manager, Ron Almada, at (951) 283-3800 or
Immediately below are links to download Jammy’s Product Catalogs and other marketing supplements. Left clicking will open it in a new window.